- We worked on the Section 22-3 & 4 Test Review sheets
- Period 5 visited the computer lab for Eye/Ear Disease research.
What was collected?
- Nothing.
What was assigned?
- Eye/Ear Disease Report is due Thursday 11/2/06.
- Light & Senses Test (Sections 22-3 & 22-4) is Thursday 11/2/06.
Daily Science Fact
The two basic ingredients for a crayon are pigment and paraffin wax, stored in heated 17,000 gallon tanks. The mixture is heated until it melts into a liquid. Crayons melt at 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius). The mixture is heated to 190 F (82 C). The liquid is poured into a preheated mold full of hundreds of crayon-shaped holes. Cool water (55 F, 13 C) is used to cool the mold, allowing the crayon to be made in 3 to 9 minutes. A single mold makes 1,200 crayons at a time, weighing a total of about 40 pounds.